A soothing shared room

Room "Water"

Facilities & services



Weekdays: weekend included

1 person

Tourist tax excluded
00 /night
  • Tourist tax: €1.76

2 persons

Tourist tax excluded
00 /night
  • Tourist tax: €1.76

Monthly: Sheets and towels excluded

1 person

Tourist tax excluded
00 /month
  • Tourist tax: €1.76

2 persons

Tourist tax excluded
00 /month
  • Tourist tax: €1.76

Further information

Our room is accessible:
Our room is accessible with assistance:
Our room is not accessible:
Living together charter and rules of life Namaste

Welcome to NAMASTE. Certain rules are essential for a harmonious, pleasant and serene cohabitation. Adopting good manners, respect, sharing tasks and good communication are necessary between each and every one of you.

The rules of good manners in living together include respect for privacy, solidarity and keeping things clean.

N°1 – Maintaining privacy and private areas in the rooms.
In the accommodation, you have shared areas and a private space. Erika, the NAMASTE cleaning lady, will clean your room on Monday mornings, so please allow her access. It is essential to respect the privacy of residents so as not to intrude on their private lives. It would be inappropriate to enter a resident’s room without their prior permission or to use their personal belongings, even in communal areas (fridge, bathroom).

No. 2 – Be attentive to the needs of others.
It is essential to take everyone’s rest times into account to maintain harmony when living together. Times when peace and quiet must be especially respected: from 10pm to 8am. It is essential to refrain from smoking or vaping inside the home.

No. 3 – Be supportive of each other.
Mutual support is a key quality for a successful cohabitation. Doing favours for your flatmates is a good way of strengthening cohesion. You need to be understanding in order to respect each other’s values and needs. At the same time, you need to be tolerant of the habits of other members of the shared household.

No. 4 – Keep communal areas free of clutter and do your share of housework.
Communal areas generally include the kitchen, living room, bathrooms, toilets, laundry room and garden. These rooms are shared by all the flatmates. They need to be kept tidy, clean and tidy-up to be liveable. Nobody wants to pick up their flatmates’ dirty socks. Each resident’s personal belongings must be stored in their own private space! Each resident must take care of his or her share of household chores: no-one wants to find a dirty plate or frying pan, or to find the toilet with residue from other people’s visits. Find the fridge in a dirty state. Please always leave these areas clean after your visit.

N°5 – The bins are collected on Tuesday mornings.
Please empty the bins in the house. This is essential to maintain a pleasant and healthy living environment. Thank you!

N°6 – Visiting friends and family.
Visiting arrangements have been made in the home to prevent abuse. You should respect the other residents and not impose your friends or family on them. Before anything else, you must inform Raysa and state how long you plan to stay. Even for a short stay, you will have to make an additional payment, as there are financial charges for the owner. And for permanent residents, the organisation of communal areas must be respected with an additional person.

N°7 – Departure times – end of stay before 11 a.m.

N°8 – Events.
Parties, weddings, carnivals and other events are not permitted in the accommodation.

N°9 – Cleaning.
On Monday, Ericka will clean everywhere but especially in the common areas of the accommodation. Please do not leave any intimate or valuable belongings lying around to avoid misunderstandings. Please allow access to your room. His professional intervention is in addition to your daily intervention. To keep the house clean, it is essential that everyone takes part.

N°10 – Access to the laundry room.
You have access to our laundry room, in moderation, and you must organise your use with the other residents. The washing machine and tumble dryer are used once a week (preferably at night between 11 p.m. and 7.30 a.m.) and the washing powder is included. Please note: If abuse is observed we will change the use to paying.

N°11 – Internet connection.
You have access to Wi-Fi, but the password must remain confidential. There are also Ethernet sockets in the rooms.

In the event of a breakdown or malfunction in the accommodation, please contact Raysa on 07 89 63 98 47 without delay. We will do our best to remedy the situation.

NAMASTE and all its members wish all our residents a very pleasant stay!

General terms and conditions of bed and breakfast rental

Thank you for the confidence you have shown in us by choosing to stay at Namaste-Dunkerque. We will welcome you as patriculiers in our renovated residence.

Reception of the keys with one of the 2 owners or one of the 3 teenagers or a mandated person (very rare).
Your room is available from 5.30pm until 11am the next day.
You can come in whenever you like.
You must lock the landing door.
You respect the premises and their owners. You will receive a warm welcome.

The house is entirely non-smoking.

The fire room has its own bathroom reserved exclusively for you.
The water, sky and earth rooms have wall cupboards which are at your disposal if you are renting for more than one night.
The bathroom and WC are on the same floor and may be shared with other guests and owners.

Payment must be made on arrival. Keys are given at this time. In the event of loss or theft, a charge of €50 will be made.

Breakfast is available between 07:00 and 10:30. The dining room is accessible at these times.

In the case of table d’hôte meals, the owners hold a restaurant licence and must comply with HACP regulations. If you have any allergies, please let us know so that we can offer you suitable meals.
Our meals are often organic and very often come from local producers or fishermen.